Fair Trade For Freedom


Fair Trade for Freedom - Our Approach

One of the ways we fund our efforts to support survivors and vulnerable women is through the sale of beautiful, fair trade merchandise. These body products, accessories and jewelry items are handcrafted by survivors and women who are at risk of exploitation. Ask us about our Fair Trade for Freedom events where your group can shop for a cause by purchasing unique items for themselves or as gifts, thereby supporting our anti-trafficking efforts here in New Hampshire – a double gift! A table, or pop-up shop, with our fair trade products is also available as an added feature to any larger event you may host such as a conference, retreat or simulcast.

The Connection

  • Vulnerable adults living in poverty can be taken advantage of by traffickers. The terms and conditions of their employment are either misrepresented or they are forced outright into laboring in the sex trade, factories, mines, agricultural fields, and more.

  • Parents, believing their children will find a brighter future, or who are in desperate need of money, will sometimes give up their sons and daughters to recruiters promising better opportunities for income and education. Unfortunately, many end up forced to work in brothels, labor camps or on farms.

  • The forced labor of adults and children is often a part of the supply chain in the production of items we use or consume every day such as chocolate, coffee, sugar, agricultural produce, technology, clothes and household products.

  • When you buy a Fair Trade product, you can be assured it does not use child or slave labor because it is monitored by a neutral, third party to guarantee the labor rights of the workers are respected and fair wages are paid.

Fair Trade helps prevent slavery!

Shop for a Cause

Hosting a gathering or bringing in a pop-up shop to your event is a great way to support our mission and educate your friends, family, co-workers, and faith community about the realities of sex trafficking in our own backyard.

When you purchase Fair Trade products, you can be confident that you are protecting the vulnerable and helping an individual and their family make a living and live a slavery-free life.

“Every time you spend money, you are casting a vote for the kind of world you want.” Anna Lappe


What do Fair Trade for Freedom events look like?

You’ll see two organizations prominently featured.


Thistle Farms is a social enterprise of women who have survived prostitution, trafficking and addiction. Their nonprofit includes a two year residential program, bath and body care company, Thistle Stop Café and Thistle Farms Global (Shared Trade). The community provides housing, food, healthcare, therapy and education, without charging residents or receiving government funding. There, women have a peaceful place to live and receive support while they focus on living sober, honest and self-sufficient lives. Your purchase of these handcrafted natural products for bath, body and home helps survivors find healing, hope, and freedom.

WorldFinds mission is to empower women through fair trade. Their jewelry and accessories create work for over 700 artisans in vulnerable communities in India and Bali. These thoughtful designs and sustainable practices bring change to the lives of the artisans, provide a bright future for their children, and strengthen their communities. Some are part of women’s cooperatives or family groups, and others are members of the WFTO (World Fair Trade Organization). All are finding a path out of poverty through fair trade. Each beautiful handcrafted piece provides dignified work, fair wages, a safe workplace, and hope for the future.


Want to learn more?

Connect with us using the form below!